
Perkembangan zaman yang diikuti dengan perkembangan teknologi telah menawarkan berbagai kemudahan dalam hal administrasi tes. Salah satunya adalah administrasi tes berbasis komputer atau yang lazim dinamakan dengan Computer Based Test (CBT). CBT dikembangkan untuk menjadi alternatif penyelenggaraan tes dengan menggunakan Paper and Pencil Test (PPT). Secara praktis CBT memiliki banyak keuntungan dibanding dengan PPT namun perbandingan mengenai properti psikometris pada kedua bentuk tes ini masih perlu ditelaah lebih lanjut. Penelitian mengenai paralelisme kedua model administrasi tes ini belum banyak dilakukan, terutama pada tes-tes yang dikembangkan oleh Fakultas Psikologi UGM seperti Tes Potensi Akademik Pascasarjana (PAPs). Analisis pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengikutsertakan taraf kesukaran dan daya diskriminasi menggunakan pendekatan Item Response Theory (IRT), indeks ketepatan model dan struktur pengukuran sebagai bukti validitas konstruk. Temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Tes PAPs secara umum tergolong memiliki kesetaraan pada parameter taraf kesukaran butir, daya diskriminasi butir dan tingkat ketepatan butir ketika disajikan dalam bentuk CBT dan PPT. Sehingga, Tes PAPs ke depannya dapat disajikan dalam kedua bentuk tersebut secara bergantian. [PDF]

Wahyu Widhiarso, Haryanta. (2018). Examining Method Effect of Synonym and Antonym Test in Verbal Abilities Measure. TPM

Many researchers have assumed that different methods could be substituted to measure the same attributes in assessment. Various models have been developed to accommodate the amount of variance attributable to the methods but these models application in empirical research is rare. The present study applied one of those models to examine whether method effects were presents in synonym and antonym tests. Study participants were 3,469 applicants to graduate school. The instrument used was the Graduate Academic Potential Test (PAPS), which includes synonym and antonym questions to measure verbal abilities. Our analysis showed that measurement models that using correlated trait–correlated methods minus one, CT-C(M–1), that separated trait and method effect into distinct latent constructs yielded slightly better values for multiple goodness-of-fit indices than one factor model. However, either for the synonym or antonym items, the proportion of variance accounted for by the method is smaller than trait variance. The correlation between factor scores of both methods is high (r = 0.994). These findings confirm that synonym and antonym tests represent the same attribute so that both tests cannot be treated as two unique methods for measuring verbal ability.[PDF]

Widhiarso W. & Haryanta. (2016). Comparing the performance of synonym and antonym tests in measuring verbal abilities. Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology

This study investigates whether synonym and antonym tests measure similar domains of verbal abilities and have comparable psychometric performance. The data used in this study are subsets of the data collected during 2013-2014 graduate admission testing at Gadjah Mada University (UGM), using three forms of the Potensi Akademik Pascasarjana (PAPS) [Graduate Academic Aptitude Test]. Con- firmatory factor analysis revealed that synonym and antonym tests assess similar domains of verbal abilities. A model integrating items from both tests to represent a single dimension better explained the data than a model separating the two tests into manifestations of different dimensions. High correla- tions among dimensions in unidimensional model showed interrelatedness for the domains of verbal abilities such as verbal knowledge, comprehension, and reasoning. Additional analysis using item-level analysis showed that antonym items tended to be more difficult than synonym items. This finding indi- cates that, although both tests assess similar content, responding to an antonym test requires more com- plex cognitive process than responding to a synonym test. [LINK]

Widhiarso W. & Suhapti, R. (2018). Penggunaan Testlet dalam Pengembangan Alat Ukur Psikologi. INSAN : Jurnal Psikologi dan Kesehatan Mental. Vol 3 (1).

The unit of analysis or measurement is not always item level, but also group of items (testlet). This paper demonstrates the development of measurement using testlet that are rarely applied in Indonesia. The example used in this paper is the development of the measurement of visual ability, one of several test included in AJT COGTEST. In this test, the basis of grouping items into testlet is their similarity of figure being referenced. This test consists of fifteen figure and each figure consists of seven items. The data analysis technique used is the Rasch Model. The result of comparison shows the advantages testlet psychometric properties as compared to item as unit of analysis. The data generated from testlet tends to be unidimensional, not infected local dependencies, high discrimination and high model fit than the unit of analysis in the form of grains. The comparison function test information indicates that the use testlet enhance test information function. In general, the concept of testlet and applications through Winsteps program in the development of measurement tools in presented in this paper.Keywords: Measurement Unit; Rasch Model; Testlet Abstrak. [LINK]

UPAP Technical Report Series

Azwar, S. Suhapti, R., Haryanta, Widhiarso, W. (2016). Hasil Evaluasi Properti Psikometris Tes PAPS Tahun 2016. Technical Report. Yogyakarta: Fakultas Psikologi UGM. [PDF]

Widhiarso, W. (2016). Analisis Berbasis Rasch Pada Tes A1 (Pemahaman). Seri Technical Report UPAP. Nomor 1. Tahun 2. 1-7.  Yogyakarta: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Gadjah Mada.  [PDF]

Widhiarso, W., Azwar, S. Suhapti, R., Haryanta, (2015). Analisis dan Penyempurnaan Aitem-aitem Tes PAPS Seri A1. Seri Technical Report UPAP. Nomor 2. Tahun 2. 1-7.. Yogyakarta: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Gadjah Mada [PDF] [PDF]

Widhiarso, W. (2017). Analisis Butir dan Penormaan Tes Penalaran (A3). Seri Technical Report UPAP. Nomor 3. Tahun 2. 1-7. Yogyakarta: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Gadjah Mada [PDF]

Widhiarso, W. Suhapti, R., Kisriyani, A. (2019). Pengujian Validitas Struktural Tes Kognitif AJT.  Seri Technical Report UPAP. [LINK]

Susilasari, W.A., & Widhiarso, W. (2019). Peranan Tingkat Rasionalitas Individu Terhadap Performansi Individu dalam Mengerjakan Tes Penilaian Situasi (Situational Judgement Test). Technical Report UPAP No 1/I/2019 [PDF]

Al Fajri, A. N. & Widhiarso, W. (2019). Eksplorasi Faktor-Faktor Korelasi Antara Classical Test Theory dan Item Response Theory. Technical Report UPAP No. 2/I/2019 [PDF]


Manuskrip Publikasi

Widhiarso, W. (inpress). Peranan Butir Unfavorabel dalam Menghasilkan Dimensi Baru dalam Pengukuran Psikologi [PDF]


Sekilas tentang Tes Potensi Akademik [LINK]

Widhiarso, W (2021). Dasar dan Prosedur Pengembangan Klasifikasi Skor Hasil Pengukuran. Yogyakarta: Fakultas Psikologi UGM.  [LINK] [PDF]

Format Baru Tes PAPS (Seri E) [PDF]

Materi Presentasi

Widhiarso, W. (2013). Factor Structure of PAPS Seri A1. [PDF]